Round table within the framework of the second Indonesia-Russian inter-confessional and cross-media dialogue held in the civic chamber

International cooperation in sharing experience of interfaith and interethnic mediation, cross-media dialogue between Russia and Indonesia brings its results - the format of Russian-Indonesian projects and cooperation is expanding. Another step in this direction was the round table "Creating a strong state and civil society on the way to achieving interfaith harmony" in the second Indonesian-Russian interfaith and cross-media dialogue held in the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation on September 14.

At the heart of the international discussion were topics of tolerance, religious harmony, countering extremism, the principles of soft power in the context of the fight against terrorism, radicalism, and the role of the media in combating destructive information outflows, false news in the realities of modern open society and the era of social media and globalization.

Head of SAMR met with his excellency the ambassador of KSA

The active cooperation of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia continues. Russian pilgrims are already in the Holy Mecca and do one of the main pillars of Islam - the Hajj.

At the same time in Moscow the meeting of the head of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia, Mufti Albir-hazrat Krganov with His Excellency the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dr. Raid Al-Krimli was held. During the meeting, the Mufti of SAMR congratulated the Ambassador on the approach of the sacred month of Zul-Hijja and expressed his gratitude to the leadership of the country for the comprehensive support rendered to Russian pilgrims in Hajj.

Delegation from Russian Federation visits ISESCO

Today morning, a delegation from the Russian Federation visited the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), headed by Mufti Albir Krganov, President of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia, member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, who was accompanied with Marat Kabaev, President of the International Association of Islamic Business; Stanislav Kudryashov, President of the Center for International Partnership and Business Cooperation (CIPBC); Dmitry Kashirin, Secretary of the Executive Board of the CIPBC; Albert Kamilianov, Vice-President of the International Association for Islamic Business; and Marsel Mirsayapov, Translator at the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia.

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