Muslims of Moscow complain of a lack of mosques

May 17, 2021 

The mosque is not only a place for committing a prayer. For every Muslim, it is a kind of educational  and spiritual center for studying and understanding the values of  Islam, strengthening Islamic solidarity and patriotic unity of society. However, these centers are sorely lacking in Moscow.  

For many Muslims, including believers from the Caucasus, Bashkiria, Tatarstan and other regions of Russia, who have been living in the capital and Moscow region for a long time, there is still no convenient opportunity to visit mosques on Friday prayer. The traffic congestion and crowds of people near single mosques are constantly causing discontent of local residents. That is why in order to find a solution to this important problem, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin supported a new project of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia aimed at building a spiritual, educational and cultural center that will include the construction of a new mosque and a modern recreational area in New Moscow in the Komunarka district. 

This is what Mufti of Moscow, head of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia, Albir Hazrat Krganov, drew attention to in his sermon on the occasion of Eid al-FitrHis Excellency Mufti emphasized that this year, unfortunately, not all Muslims were able to enter the mosques to perform Eid prayers due to health measures to   curb to the spread of Covid-19 in the Russian capitalAnd, God willing, there will be more mosques in Moscow soonand dozens of millions of Muslims, citizens of the Russian Federation, will live in Moscow, so it is necessary to provide them with the opportunity to freely attend and perform prayers in the homes of Allah Almighty. 

Vladimir Putin signed the order awarding Albir Hazrat Krganov a second-class Medal of the Order

May 18, 2021 

Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Presidential Decree No. 293 of May 18, 2021 awarded the Head of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia, Mufti of the Centralized Religious Organization of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Moscow and the Central Region "Moscow MuftiatAlbir Hazrat Krganov with a medal of the Order “For Merit for the Fatherland of the II degree for his significant contribution in preserving and building spiritual, religious and cultural traditions and strengthening friendship between the nationalities of the Russian Federation. 

Muslims of Kuzbass celebrate Eid al-Fitr

May 14, 2021

Muslims all around the world celebrate one of the two especially revered holidays in Islam - Eid al-Fitr. In Kuzbass, the epidemic situation did not allow it to be held in the traditional format in mosques. Thus morning prayers were performed on the street with the implementation of all the recommendations of Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor).

In the central cathedral mosque "Munira" in Kemerovo, the prayer was conducted by Mufti of Kuzbass Tagir Hazrat Bikchantaev. The Governor of Kuzbass Sergey Tsivilev also came to the city in order to congratulate the Muslims community of Kemerovo.

Eid Al Fitr celebrations usually last for three days. During these days, it is customary to visit relatives and friends, present gifts to them, and donate to the poor.

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Russian President congratulates the Muslim community of Russia on Eid al-Fitr holiday

May 13, 2021

Dear Muslims of Russia,

The holy month of Ramadan has come to an end, and Muslims of Russia are happy to welcome the bright, long-awaited Eid al-Fitr holiday. Over the centuries the celebration of this holiday has had a special spiritual meaning, the joy of gaining a new invaluable experience of moral purification and self-perfection.

It is important to note that followers of Islam in our country treat historical, cultural and religious traditions of their fathers and grandfathers with deep respect and teach the growing generation to observe them. Nowadays Muslim organizations take an active part in the life of the country, strengthen interaction with governmental and public structures, and pay a lot of attention to charitable, educational and educational initiatives. In this regard, I will especially note their demanded, truly selfless activity, which in the current difficult time helps people to withstand and cope with all difficulties.

This day I wish you gaining huge success, health and prosperity.

Sincerely yours,

Vladimir Putin

Celebrations of Eid Al Fitr in Moscow will take place without collective prayers

May 12, 2021 

The press office of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations in Moscow has published an official document on the celebrations of Eid al-Fitr in Moscow this year. 

The document stated: “On May 13, 2021, the Muslim Community oll over the world meets one of the main Islamic holidays, which is Eid al-Fitr, and despite the gradual easing of measures aimed at not spreading the Covid-19, restrictions on conducting public events are still imposed. In this regard, collective prayers will not be held in mosques and in the surrounding areas, as well as in temporary alternative sites in Moscow. 

Local authorities in Moscow affirm that, given the risk of the spread of the new coronavirus, Muslim believers are advised to spend the holiday at home and not endanger their health and lives, as well as the health and lives of others. 

According to the Moscow municipality, Eid prayers will only take place at The press office of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations in Moscow has published an official document on the celebrations of Eid al-Fitr in Moscow this year. 

The document stated: “Today, May 13, 2021, the Islamic Ummah receives all over the world one of the main Islamic holidays, which is Eid al-Fitr, and despite the gradual easing of measures aimed at not spreading the new Corona virus, restrictions on conducting public activities are still imposed. In this regard, no prayers will be held in the city's mosques and in the surrounding areas, as well as in temporary alternative sites. 

And the local authorities in Moscow affirm that, given the risk of the spread of the new Corona virus, Muslim believers are advised to spend the holidays in their homes and not endanger their health and lives, as well as the health and lives of others. 

According to the Moscow municipality, Eid prayers will only take place at the Moscow Mosque in the presence of prominent religious figures without the presence of the believers themselves. 

As for Muslims living in the capital, live broadcasts of Eid prayers will be organized in television channels and official websites of religious organizations, as well as on social media. 

Albir Hazrat Krganov meets with Ambassador of Bangladesh to the Russian Federation.

April 27th, 2021 

Head of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia (the SAMR), Mufti Albir Hazrat Krganov, held a meeting with Ambassador of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the Russian Federation Mr. Kamrul AhsanThe meeting was also attended by the First Secretary of the Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Mr. Mazed Sarker and the Imam of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia Farid Hazrat Sayfullin. 

The meeting was held in a friendly and positive atmosphere. During the conversation, both parties discussed issues of interreligious and interfaith relations both in Russia and Bangladesh, education and cultural exchange, humanitarian cooperation between the two countries, as well as a number of issues related to labor migration. 

Albir Hazrat also provided His Excellency Ambassador with a brief overview of current activities of the SAMR and its regional structures, provisions of "Strategy of Development of Islam and Muslim Organizations in Russia until 2035" and activities of Center for Legal Protection and Socio-Cultural Adaptation of Migrants “ROSMIGRANT”. 

Mr. Ahsan thanked the Mufti for such a warm welcome and interesting conversation. He also invited Albir Hazrat to pay an official visit to Bangladesh in order to establish and develop closer contacts with some official Islamic organizations in his country. 

At the end of the meeting, the participants expressed their hope for further fruitful cooperation. 

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Albir Hazrat Krganov calls on the migrants to get a vaccine against the Covid-19

April 22 2021 

Head of the SAMR Albir Hazrat Krganov stated that legal migrants have the opportunity to be vaccinated against coronavirus in Russia and must do so. 

Previously, the Chairwoman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko, said that the CIS countries need to prepare for the restoration of the previous volume of labor migration, and this process must take place meeting all sanitary requirements. 

Mufti noted that the situation with the coronavirus is gradually normalizing and people are being vaccinated, and we need to think about restoring the number of legal migrants heading to the Russian Federation. 

 “We urge migrants to get vaccinated – both  those who arrive and those who are already staying in Russia. There are no restrictions on vaccination of legal migrants in Russia. They get vaccinated. Everyone is interested that migrants get vaccinated, especially those who work in the service sector  –  deliver food, taxi and so on” Albir Hazrat said. 

 “Within the framework of our project - the Center for Legal Protection and Cultural Adaptation of Migrants - we conduct a serious work: we provide documents, explain them how to fill them out ... Now our center communicates with several thousand migrants who want to legalize their staying in the Russian Federation. We must lend a helping hand to them,” Mufti explained. 

At the beginning of April, Emergency Headquarters for Combating the Spread of Coronavirus told that the Russian Federation has not decided yet to oblige employers to vaccinate migrants against COVID-19. 


The conference on the state of religion and interfaith relations was held in Belarus

April 14, 2021 

Representatives of the SAMR took part in online plenary session of the XV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Religion and Society". The event was organized by Mogilev State University named after A.A. Kuleshov, Mogilev Religious Center with the active assistance of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. 

Representatives of the scientific and expert community and religious organizations of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Poland and the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in this particular conferenceOn the whole, 135 reports by Belarusian and foreign authors will be presented within the framework of the event. All the reports will be published after the conference. 

The main issues of discussion were the following: 

- Freedom of thought and freedom of conscience in the history of culture, politics and law. 

- Religion and state-confessional relations. 

- History of religions and interfaith relations. 

- Regional aspects of the religious situation in the Republic of Belarus. 

- Religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the CIS countries. 

- Religion and culture, literary criticism, linguistics. 

- Religion and education. 

Issues of the history of religion in theology. 

Issues of the history of religion in school local history. 

Issues of religion and education in the secular system of general secondary education. 

The participants noted in their speech that freedom of conscience and religion and interfaith harmony are the foundations of the development of modern society and one of the priorities of the national development of a modern state, including Belarus. 

Albir Hazrat Krganov meets with Kyrgyz Ambassador to the Russian Federation.

April 9th, 2021
Head of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia (the SAMR), Mufti Albir Hazrat Krganov, held a meeting with Ambassador of the Kyrgyzstan Republic to the Russian Federation Gulnara-Klara Samat .
The meeting was held in a friendly and positive atmosphere. During the conversation, both parties discussed issues of further bilateral cooperation. In particular, they touched upon development of public institutions of two fraternal countries.
Albir Hazrat also provided Gulnara-Klara Samat with a brief overview of current activities of the SAMR and its regional structures, provisions of "Strategy of Development of Islam and Muslim Organizations in Russia until 2035" and activities of Center for Legal Protection and Socio-Cultural Adaptation of Migrants “ROSMIGRANT”.
At the end of the meeting, the participants expressed their hope for further fruitful cooperation.

The Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia hosted the official delegation from Uzbekistan

April 8, 2021 

The First Vice President of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia Mufti Tagir Hazrat Samatov met with the official delegation from the Republic of Uzbekistan headed by the advisor to the Chairman of the Uzbek Governmental Committee for Tourism Development Utkir Saidov 

The main topic of the talks was the resumption of religious tourism between the Russian Federation and Uzbekistan, which was suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The meeting was also attended by representatives of Russian and Uzbek Muslim community, employees of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development, representatives of Russian and Uzbek travel companies, the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as employees of the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Russian Federation. 

Representatives of the regional muftiats belonging to the SAMR from Kemerovo, Tomsk, Penza, Volgograd, Vladimir, the Republic of ChuvashiaMordovia and other regions also participated in this meeting via Zoom platform. 

It was noted during the meeting that a key factor in the popularization of Uzbekistan as a direction for religious tourism is the resumption of regular flights between the two countries and the establishment of fixed prices for flight tickets. 

In conclusion, the parties thanked each other for a fruitful discussion and valuable suggestions for finding new formats of cooperation and also expressed their hope that joint work in this direction will lead to an increase in the tourist flow between the Russian Federation and Uzbekistan in the near time. 

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