May 12, 2021 

The press office of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations in Moscow has published an official document on the celebrations of Eid al-Fitr in Moscow this year. 

The document stated: “On May 13, 2021, the Muslim Community oll over the world meets one of the main Islamic holidays, which is Eid al-Fitr, and despite the gradual easing of measures aimed at not spreading the Covid-19, restrictions on conducting public events are still imposed. In this regard, collective prayers will not be held in mosques and in the surrounding areas, as well as in temporary alternative sites in Moscow. 

Local authorities in Moscow affirm that, given the risk of the spread of the new coronavirus, Muslim believers are advised to spend the holiday at home and not endanger their health and lives, as well as the health and lives of others. 

According to the Moscow municipality, Eid prayers will only take place at The press office of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations in Moscow has published an official document on the celebrations of Eid al-Fitr in Moscow this year. 

The document stated: “Today, May 13, 2021, the Islamic Ummah receives all over the world one of the main Islamic holidays, which is Eid al-Fitr, and despite the gradual easing of measures aimed at not spreading the new Corona virus, restrictions on conducting public activities are still imposed. In this regard, no prayers will be held in the city's mosques and in the surrounding areas, as well as in temporary alternative sites. 

And the local authorities in Moscow affirm that, given the risk of the spread of the new Corona virus, Muslim believers are advised to spend the holidays in their homes and not endanger their health and lives, as well as the health and lives of others. 

According to the Moscow municipality, Eid prayers will only take place at the Moscow Mosque in the presence of prominent religious figures without the presence of the believers themselves. 

As for Muslims living in the capital, live broadcasts of Eid prayers will be organized in television channels and official websites of religious organizations, as well as on social media. 

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