Bata Kifah Mohamad, Advisor to the Mufti on International Affairs, Chairman of the Central Department of the Volgograd region, took part in the work of the international forum of the Qadiri Tariqat in the Republic of Senegal, on the assignment of the head of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia, and Mufti of Moscow Albir Hazrat Krganov. This significant event brought together more than 50 religious leaders, scholars and representatives of Islamic organisations from 30 countries, including Morocco, Nigeria, Turkey, Indonesia and Russia.
In opening speech, Mufti Kifah Mohamad highlighted that Russia is keen to strengthen co-operation with African Muslim communities, especially in the field of education and social projects. "Our experience of inter-religious dialogue in multinational Russia can become a good model for African countries," he said.
The Qadiri tarikat, founded in the 12th century by Abdul-Qadir Gilani, holds an important place in West Africa, where its followers make up to 40 percent of the Muslim community.
Press office of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia
Representatives of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia take part in the international forum of the Qadiri Tariqat in Senegal

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