The international interconfessional conference "Siberia - Territory of Dialogue: Interethnic and Interfaith Harmony - the Foundation of Russian Statehood" continues in Omsk. It is held on the initiative of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Siberia and with the support of the Omsk region government.

The conference brings together representatives of the Muslim clergy and scientific community from Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, employees of consular and diplomatic missions in the Russian Federation of Middle Eastern countries, as well as national communities and religious organisations of the Omsk region and regions of Russia, teachers and university and other students. The conference gathered about 500 participants.

A large delegation of regional muftis of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia are also taking part in the events.

"We are very pleased to be on the hospitable Siberian land, in the Omsk region. In the framework of the conference we are addressing important issues of inter-confessional, inter-religious dialogue, issues of statehood," said the head of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia, Mufti of Moscow Albir Hazrat Krganov, "as today Russia is facing great challenges and threats. Our country is under numerous sanctions. This is unconscionable. No international law should support this. A new doctrine of life is being imposed on us esentially, and there is no God, nor conscience. Here we have representatives of different confessions, people of different ages, many young people. Our task now is to unite around the leader of the country, around our values, to protect and preserve them."

According to Zulkarnay Shakirzyanov, Mufti of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Siberia, the Omsk region is a land of more than 120 nationalities living in peace and good neighbourliness. And now the main thing is to preserve unity and cohesion. "Our Omsk region is an example of how people of different nationalities, faiths, religious denominations interact with each other. And in the future, we will not give up our positions," said Zulkarnay Shakirzyanov.

Tatyana Smirnova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, member of the Public Chamber of the Omsk Region, believes that inter-ethnic harmony and peace between confessions are extremely important. Especially now, when our country is facing enormous challenges, being under the heavy pressure of sanctions. "Today's conference is a great platform for dialogue, communication. We hear serious scientific reports delivered here. And most importantly, people talk to each other, they establish new contacts," Tatyana Smirnova added.

Following the plenary session, the participants worked in thematic sections. The discussion topics included: "Siberia as a Crossroads of Religions and Cultures", "Interfaith Harmony as a Strategy for Strengthening Russian Statehood", "Russia's Turn to the East and Problems of Interethnic and Interfaith Interaction", "The Role of Religious Organisations in the Spiritual, Moral and Patriotic Education of Youth", and "National Security of Russia: Challenges of the Time".

Press office of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia

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