Mufti Albir Krganov accompanied by the Russian religious and public figures, scholars and representatives of business community from Russian Muslim regions began a fraternal visit to Indonesia on Monday.
"For many years we maintained firm contact with our fellow believers from Indonesia. We had regular meetings with high level Indonesian delegates on the margins of international forums and during events at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

There were multiple invitations to visit this marvelous land of a thousand islands but unfortunately the pandemic stalled these travel plans for two years. Today, as you may witness, thank Allah, we safely landed here in Jakarta.

The schedule of our visit is quite busy and we hope that by the grace of Allah this work will be mutually beneficial" - said Mufti Albir Krganov at the Jakarta’s airport.

The program of the visit of the Russian delegation includes meetings with Indonesian religious leaders, ministers, MPs, representatives of business community, diplomats, scientists and cultural figures. Plans also include visiting the Istiqlal Cathedral Mosque and the city of Surabaya.

Press Service of The Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia

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