April 27th, 2021 

Head of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia (the SAMR), Mufti Albir Hazrat Krganov, held a meeting with Ambassador of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the Russian Federation Mr. Kamrul AhsanThe meeting was also attended by the First Secretary of the Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Mr. Mazed Sarker and the Imam of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia Farid Hazrat Sayfullin. 

The meeting was held in a friendly and positive atmosphere. During the conversation, both parties discussed issues of interreligious and interfaith relations both in Russia and Bangladesh, education and cultural exchange, humanitarian cooperation between the two countries, as well as a number of issues related to labor migration. 

Albir Hazrat also provided His Excellency Ambassador with a brief overview of current activities of the SAMR and its regional structures, provisions of "Strategy of Development of Islam and Muslim Organizations in Russia until 2035" and activities of Center for Legal Protection and Socio-Cultural Adaptation of Migrants “ROSMIGRANT”. 

Mr. Ahsan thanked the Mufti for such a warm welcome and interesting conversation. He also invited Albir Hazrat to pay an official visit to Bangladesh in order to establish and develop closer contacts with some official Islamic organizations in his country. 

At the end of the meeting, the participants expressed their hope for further fruitful cooperation. 

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