April 22 2021 

Head of the SAMR Albir Hazrat Krganov stated that legal migrants have the opportunity to be vaccinated against coronavirus in Russia and must do so. 

Previously, the Chairwoman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko, said that the CIS countries need to prepare for the restoration of the previous volume of labor migration, and this process must take place meeting all sanitary requirements. 

Mufti noted that the situation with the coronavirus is gradually normalizing and people are being vaccinated, and we need to think about restoring the number of legal migrants heading to the Russian Federation. 

 “We urge migrants to get vaccinated – both  those who arrive and those who are already staying in Russia. There are no restrictions on vaccination of legal migrants in Russia. They get vaccinated. Everyone is interested that migrants get vaccinated, especially those who work in the service sector  –  deliver food, taxi and so on” Albir Hazrat said. 

 “Within the framework of our project - the Center for Legal Protection and Cultural Adaptation of Migrants - we conduct a serious work: we provide documents, explain them how to fill them out ... Now our center communicates with several thousand migrants who want to legalize their staying in the Russian Federation. We must lend a helping hand to them,” Mufti explained. 

At the beginning of April, Emergency Headquarters for Combating the Spread of Coronavirus told that the Russian Federation has not decided yet to oblige employers to vaccinate migrants against COVID-19. 


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