The delegation from the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia (the SAMR), headed by Mufti Albir Hazrat Krganov, held a meeting with Mufti of Istanbul, Professor Mehmet Amin Mashali, in Turkey on March 4 2021.

The meeting was also attended by First Vice President of the head of the SAMR Mufti Tageer Hazrat Samatov and Mufti of Saint Petersburg and the Northwestern Region of Russia Ravil Hazrat Pancheev.

The parties discussed prospects of cooperation in the field of Islamic education and also exchanged positive experiences of activities within the Muslim community in Russia and Turkey against the background of difficult conditions that the world is currently facing.

Within the framework of this visit, Consul General of the Russian Federation in Istanbul Andrey Buravov hosted the delegation from the SAMR at the Russian Consulate in Istanbul, where the two sides discussed the current situation of relations between Russia and Turkey in humanitarian sphere and the prospects of their development. At the end of the meeting all the participants expressed their hope for further cooperation.

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