Muslim world to celebrate birthday of Prophet Muhammad today
Muslims all over the world are marking the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad – Mawlid al-Nabi. The head of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia, Mufti Albir Krganov congratulated believers on the holiday.

"I congratulate all my fellow believers and fellow citizens on the Prophet Muhammad's birthday - the greatest personality," Krganov said, noting that on this day Muslims will come to mosques and read salavats - praise to the prophet. "At home, they usually prepare food, invite relatives and friends, and also read praise," RIA Novosti cited him as saying.

The Mufti wished the believers "not to forget their roots" and do more good deeds.

"Be merciful and sensitive to each other, pay attention to those who most need our support - children, orphans, widows and the elderly. I wish everyone happiness, and may the Almighty take care of us," he said.

Mawlid marks the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad and is celebrated during the month of Rabiulawal, the third month of the Muslim calendar. This year it starts on sundown of October 28 ending at sundown on October 29.

source: vestnikkavkaza

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