Representatives of different faiths intend to build an interfaith center in Kommunarka district in Moscow. The Head of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia (SAMR), Mufti Albir-khazrat Krganov, spoke about this at the international scientific-practical conference "Religion in a changing world. The role of education in youth education" in TASS on Thursday. "Our traditional religions - the Jewish community, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists - we proposed a very interesting project several years ago, it was supported by the Moscow mayor's office, on the construction of an interreligious center in Kommunarka district. We assume that this will be a modern social center, where there will be not only conditions for public activists, but also for the disabled, the elderly and people with disabilities. It is planned to open a school for the blind, as well as conduct various trainings, master classes from leading experts in their fields, arrange all kinds of museum compositions " , - he said. This project had been agreed with the Moscow mayor's office, but for 8 years it could not obtain a building permit. In addition, it was not possible to achieve the allocation and assignment of a land plot .

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